95. 1 Peter chapter 2

Just thought I would share some thoughts in outline form that I have enjoyed in relation to 1 Peter 2.
  1. High-level breakdown of the chapter; Similarities/parallels with the Ephesian epistle
    1. 1Peter 2:1-10 / Eph. ch 1-3 – our Calling
      1. Eph. 1:4 chosen (1Pet 2:9)
      2. Eph. 2:1-9 former life, grace of God (1Pet 2:1)
      1. Eph. 2:20-22 building & corner stone (1Pet 2:6)
      1. Eph. 3:8 opportunity to proclaim the glorious gospel (1Pet 2:9)
    1. 1Peter 2:11-25 / Eph. ch 4-6 – our Conduct
      1. Eph. 4:1, 4:17-5:21 walk worthy of calling
      2. Eph. 5:22-6:9 instructions to individuals
  1. Who we are
    1. 1Pet 2:1-3) Babes who need to Feed on the Word
      1. Growing in respect to salvation
    1. 1Pet 2:4-10) (Stones in a) Building that has been Founded on the Corner Stone
      1. Growing / being built up in respect to a spiritual house
    1. 1Pet 2:11-24) Strangers and Pilgrims who are Following Christ
    2. 1Pet 2:25) Sheep that have been Found by the Shepherd
  1. Contrasts & our Calling
    1. 1Pet 2:1-3) the Purity of the milk in contrast to the vileness of the flesh
      1. Growth in keeping with our calling
    1. 1Pet 2:4-10) the Preciousness of the Stone in contrast to the estimation of the unbelieving
      1. Position in keeping with our calling
    1. 1Pet 2:11-20) the Pathway of the pilgrim in contrast to the ways of the world
      1. Conduct in keeping with our calling
    1. 1Pet 2:21-23) Patience in suffering in contrast to the reviling of men
      1. Suffering that is in keeping with our calling & the example of Christ for how we should respond
    1. 1Pet 2:24-25) Pleasing God in the fold in contrast to straying from Shepherd
      1. Security that is in keeping with our calling
  1. Activities as God’s chosen people
    1. 1Pet 2:1-3)    We are Tasting and Feeding (Word and kindness of God)
    2. 1Pet 2:4-10)  We are Offering (as holy priests) and Proclaiming (as royal priests)
    3. 1Pet 2:11-20) We are Obeying
    4. 1Pet 2:21-23) We are Imitating
    5. 1Pet 2:24-25) We are Abiding near the shepherd
  1. Desires
    1. 1Pet 2:1-3) Word
    2. 1Pet 2:4-10) Christ
    3. 1Pet 2:11-25) Righteousness

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